
Discover the incredible benefits of argan oil: 13 reasons to start using it today

Change skin and hair

Argan oil is rich in oleic acid and linoleic acid, which are essential nutrients for the care of skin and hair. Studies have shown that oral use and application of argan oil can increase skin moisture, especially in post-menopausal women. Although there is no specific study on the use of argan oil for hair health, it has been determined that similar plant oils with similar nutritional properties provide protection against hair loss.

Improve heart health

Argan Oil is an excellent source of oleic acid, an omega-9 fatty acid with heart-protective effects. A small study in humans found that argan oil was superior to olive oil in its ability to reduce the risk of heart attack by affecting the level of antioxidants in the blood. A cardiovascular analysis of 40 healthy people found that those who consumed 15 grams of argan oil per day for 30 days had a 16% reduction in bad LDL cholesterol and a 20% reduction in triglyceride levels.

Benefits of Diabetes

Early animal studies suggest that argan oil may help prevent diabetes. Two studies have shown the antioxidant benefits of fatty acids, as well as significant reductions in fasting blood sugar levels and insulin resistance in mice fed a high-sugar diet. However, human studies are needed to confirm these findings.

Reduces signs of skin aging

Argan oil has become a common ingredient in many cosmetic products due to its ability to slow down aging. Some research shows that dietary intake of argan oil may help reduce inflammation and stress, which may reduce visible signs of aging by facilitating the restoration and maintenance of healthy skin.

Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory factors

Many phenolic compounds in argan oil have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Argan oil is rich in vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin that acts as a powerful antioxidant to reduce the harmful effects of free radicals. Other compounds found in argan oil, such as plant sterols, coenzyme Q10 and melatonin, are also antioxidants.

Treatment of skin conditions

Argan oil has traditionally been used orally and topically to improve skin, hair and nail health. Although there is little scientific evidence that argan oil can treat certain skin conditions, it is still widely used for this purpose. Recent research shows that argan oil contains various antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties and may therefore help treat skin diseases.

Used to treat and prevent serious symptoms

Argan oil is sometimes used to remove and reduce stretch marks, but no studies have been conducted to prove its effectiveness. But research shows that argan oil may help reduce inflammation and increase skin elasticity; This may explain why some people like to use argan oil against stretch marks.

Anticancer effect

Argan oil may slow the growth and proliferation of some cancer cells. In one test-tube study, polyphenolic compounds from argan oil were added to prostate cancer, and the extract stopped cancer growth by 50% compared to control studies. In another study, a pharmacological study of argan oil and vitamin E increased mortality from breast and colon cancer.

Used to treat acne

Although some reports claim that argan oil is an effective acne treatment, this is not supported by reliable medical research. However, the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in argan oil can help reduce skin redness and irritation often caused by acne. Argan oil can also affect the skin, which is necessary to prevent acne.

Reduces skin oil

Argan Oil can help reduce overall sebum production and reduce skin oiliness. One study found that using an oil containing argan oil twice daily could help reduce sebum and oil production in just four weeks.

We support wound healing
Theantioxidants and vitamin E in argan oil can be used to quickly treat wounds and cuts. One animal study showed a significant improvement in wound healing in mice given argan oil twice daily for two weeks; This demonstrates argan oil’s role in wound healing and tissue repair.
essential nutrients

Argan oil consists mainly of fatty acids such as oleic acid and linoleic acid, which consists of 29% to 36% and 43% to 49% fatty acids. Argan oil is also rich in vitamin E, which is essential for healthy skin, hair and eyes, and has strong antioxidant effects.
Easy to add to your



Argan oil becomes more popular, it’s easier than ever to supplement your health and beauty routines. It is easily available from major supermarkets, pharmacies and online retailers. Argan oil has been used in cooking, cosmetics, and treatments for decades, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

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